Please bare in mind, that all opinions in this sections are based on my own experience with the casts I do own. I don't describe a mini in general, just my copy, and as many of you know, it can vary a lot, depending on many factors.
The purpose of this reviews is not slander companies or sculptors, but rather inform people what they can expect buying the mini.
If you have other experiences with your cast of particular mini I described, feel free to post a comment, that everyone can see what's your opinion on the miniature.
Roberto Chaudon - The Grinder
Maow Miniatures - Hell baby

Maow Miniatures - Monster bottles

Winsor & Newton series 7 vs Rosemary & Co
Andrea Miniatures - Menhom Dark Shadow
Red bricks
Scale75 - Brock the Wanderer
Pegaso Models - Viking Chief
Andrea Miniatures - Urmuth Scars of War
Pegaso Models - Templar Knight
Pegaso Models - Iroqouis, 1760
Andrea Miniatures - Port Royal, 1660
JMD miniatures - Medieval bust
Maow Miniatures - Hell baby

Maow Miniatures - Monster bottles

Winsor & Newton series 7 vs Rosemary & Co
Andrea Miniatures - Menhom Dark Shadow
Red bricks
Scale75 - Brock the Wanderer
Pegaso Models - Viking Chief
Andrea Miniatures - Urmuth Scars of War
Pegaso Models - Templar Knight
Pegaso Models - Iroqouis, 1760
Andrea Miniatures - Port Royal, 1660
JMD miniatures - Medieval bust
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