Of course I coulnd't keep my hands of this beautiful medieval knight...
And here you can see the results so far, in few stages.
First you can see how I handled the hauberk.
I must say I'm quite happy with how it turned out. I might tweak it a bit later on when the rest of the bust is painted, maybe some rust here and there, but for now it's ready.
When the metal parts were ready, I moved to leathers, leaving the toughest for me part, skin, at the end. But then I remembered that I decided I want some scars on his face.
So he has scars now.To create them I used liquid Green Stuff from GW. And while working on them I tried to fix the hole next to his left eye.
To show you how the scars are looking without the distraction of gren colour, there is one photo in b/w at the end.
To be honest with you I wasn't really sure if I like the scars at this stage. The green was way to distracting. But after painting first layers of skin colour, it all came together very nicelly.
Of course the skin is not even close being ready, but you can see how nicelly the scars are blending in. And thanks to the one going through his eye, I can paint it with a cataract, to make him look even more like an old battered warrior.
Eyes look weird at the moment I know, but I need to repaint them.